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I'm amazed how low-quality this MS landing page is.

- The "How it works" tab is just a huge image.

- The search box ( top right ) has some problems with the border. Both in Chrome & Safari.

- It uses `font-family: 'Segoe UI';`, which makes all elements with that font on my Mac "serif"

Also running on WordPress and exposing version number - which is out of date: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/readme.html

The version number's in every Wordpress page source:

  <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 4.5.4" />

It can be deactivated.

    remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' );
We include it in our themes as a best practice.

The worst part is some certified microsoft vendor probably charged $60,000 for it.

No, I know some MS vendors and the work is usually competitive and tightly budgeted. Think of the power Walmart has over vendors to get good pricing and you'll get the idea.

I agree, even the comparator descriptions seem weirdly awkward and placeholdery, describing the mechanism used to compare images rather than the comparison (e.g. "animated gif comparison" showing an animated gif used to compare two static images).

The whole thing is presented as if the marketing team haven't worked on it yet.

The last item is very prevalent throughout many microsoft.com pages. https://azure.microsoft.com has gotten it right here but I'm wondering what's preventing the rest of microsoft.com to do the same.

The "How it works" image is also very pixelated for me (is that intentional?)

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