Let's just keep in mind, the court is not ruling against Net Neutrality itself, only that the FCC in particular does not have the authority/jurisdiction to enforce Net Neutrality. A legislative action, or possibly even an executive order, could mandate net neutrality and/or expand the FCC's powers to make that decision on its own. Time for you web startup types to call up your senator and express concern about your small business being shafted. Put it in terms they can understand: if my web traffic is a second class citizen and my page loads 0.1 second slower, I lose $X,000 a month.
Small businesses are the ones most likely to benefit from preventing net neutrality -- via an acquisition by a content provider like Comcast or Verizon or AOL, etc.
It is the companies with > 30% market share that stand to lose, since ISPs would be able to pick winners and fragment the market further. This is why Google supports net neutrality.