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I haven't stayed up to date on the nutrition science stuff much, but there are studies showing that low carb, high fat diets (paleo, essentially) are better than the opposite. Here's a researcher presenting the results of their study as well as discussing several others[1]. Their study had 311 subjects, but most of the other studies the researcher mentions have extremely small sample sizes (one of the common problems with many nutritional science studies).

Exercise science is really kind of a joke, though. The Starting Starting Strength community does an annual review of the year's important exercise science studies. Almost every single one is not capable of actually testing the stated hypothesis. Here's the review from 2012, if you're interested[2].

[1]: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eREuZEdMAVo [2]: http://startingstrength.com/contentfiles/strength_science_20...

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