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Not sure what taneq was referring to - but I was very unpleasantly surprised the first time I got the "Pebble Health This Week" email showing me my sleep and step tracking for the last week from their cloud service.

That's 100% not something I'd ever intentionally sign up to "share" - which means they either opted me in without consent, or used a dark pattern to trick me into consenting to something I wouldn't have if it'd been clear it meant my watch/app was going to send all my activity/movement data to "someone" with no way for me to know what they were gonna use it for or who they were gonna share it with.

I didn't cancel my Kickstarter pledge (my third, I've got the original and the Time) - but I _very_ seriously considered it (and still might just flip it on eBay when it arrives)...

Dark patterns:

1) They accept your order without even a mention of the T&C, EULA or privacy policy (at least as far as the checkout, I'm not putting my card number in to check for a popup during the payment process).

2) When you receive the product and go to install the app, in tiny print below the signup form they declare that by signing up, you accept the T&C. (This text is visible here: https://youtu.be/GAYL034-j0I?t=1m19s)

3) By accepting the T&C, you agree to the privacy policy linked from within the T&C.

In my book, this is not acceptable behaviour.

Pebble health data can be synced by gadgetbridge (see my other comment), but we have to adapt to every fw version that changes the message format. This has not yet happened for firmware 4 as we get it when it's publicly available like everybody else. The data synced by gadgetbridge never leaves your device (unless you export it, that is :-) )

I don't wear my Pebble much, but your comment has reminded me that the app has read/write access to all the health data on my iPhone. It could have been secretly siphoning that data and uploading it for months without me knowing.

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