Reminds me of a Sierpinski triangle[1]. Can you have a turtle infilled with the Sierpinski pattern, or maybe a Sierpinski triangle being drawn by a turtle?
Also, you could get a tattoo with something like:
to e :s :l
if :l>0[repeat 3[e :s/2 :l-1 fd :s rt 120]]
e 99 5
Which is Logo code to draw a Sierpinski triangle (main credit [2], you can demo at [3]).
Reminds me of a Sierpinski triangle[1]. Can you have a turtle infilled with the Sierpinski pattern, or maybe a Sierpinski triangle being drawn by a turtle?
Also, you could get a tattoo with something like:
Which is Logo code to draw a Sierpinski triangle (main credit [2], you can demo at [3]).[1]: [2]: [3]: