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The Connoisseur of Pain (nytimes.com)
50 points by lermontov on Aug 19, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Asian giant hornets (Vespa mandarinia) don't seem to be listed in the Schmidt Pain Index yet...

I guess, presume it rates at an automatic 4 simply by the capacity for human lethality? ...or maybe just stay tuned, and wait until it earns an entry?

A full-blown gout attack is not on the list either, and that has to be near the top!

Well... I'd say gout falls outside the scope categories of pain as inflicted by hymenoptera.

Amusing nonsense. Pain is indeed not the same as damage. But nor is it the same as suffering, as lovers of curry and BDSM both know.

I was expecting a story about a bread expert. I am disappointment.

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