That's exactly what we offer [1]. Serverless, in process, hosted Sqlite served by apache and mod_lua. We have application level caching, so for high read, low/medium write applications, scale is no problem, you're mostly served from redis in that case. Applications that do a lot of inserts/updates aren't ideal in our case. Sqlite's WAL can handle a lot, but our service hasn't been stressed that way yet.
Why Sqlite? It's really an awesome database, and using it in process from apache, we can achieve truly massive multi-tenancy, and really low cost.
We also have static file hosting, we're going for hosting of single page apps, but the database API is available over CORS for any domain.
Do you allow any other server side scripting? For instance, I'm building something that may fit this pretty well, but I have some PHP to geocode addresses that are submitted without lat/long coordinates before the row is written to the db. And my next step is some backend scripting to get some automated feeds on some interval (likely daily) into the database for the web interface to consume.
I'd like to eventually, but not at this time (see my Lua comment above). You can of course process the data offline and use our database API to update the table on a schedule. I realize that's not optimal to what you're asking thougth.
Or, you know, code an aws lambda to call our service and get your data, process it, then post it back. :)
Apologies, for spamming this thread, thought of this after the edit window expired.
Thanks for checking, true no info on pricing. We just launched a few weeks ago and haven't seen much interest yet. We're just offering the rate limited free tier for now.
Out of the gate our users get a subdomain on our site. But to serve webapps from a custom domain (ie, or access the database API from CORS from a different domain, our tentative plan is to charge a small monthly fee (less than $10 a month) and remove the rate limit.
Thanks for mentioning those things, they help guide the roadmap. Right now we're focusing on performance, then a SQL engine, then auth tooling. Could you expand more on spam? Like DDOS and rate-limiting?
You must be an engineer yourself ;) using the 4X rule. Haha.
We've built a tool called panic ( to test stuff like this, however correct we haven't finished integrating all the pieces.
Yeah, shoot me a message ( mark AT gunDB DOT io ) now, and I'll send you a ping when we're testing that stuff. :) Thanks for the feedback!