Andrej, thank you very much for making this site. I use it every day.
A problem: I think one of the most necessary things that are missing from is comments. People just come, read, and then take their discussions somewhere else, fragmented all around the net. Arxiv-Sanity already filters just the ML articles and does personalized feeds, maybe it could also be a place of discussion. I know it potentially leads to other complications (like moderation), but I really think readers would benefit from reviews, questions and answers.
The current ML related discussion sites (blogs, /r/machinelearning, G+, Twitter, StackExchange and YC) are often mixed with lots of noise. I'd like to read what researchers think.
Another suggestion: add links to code repositories, where they are available. Maybe some of your trusted users could be empowered with the right to add such links, if it's too much work for a single person. If interesting discussions are reported on other pages on the internet, they could also be added to the article, to make them easier to find.
A simple-ish way of subsidizing some of that effort is to just make a subreddit for arxiv submissions and link to the comments section from arxiv-sanity for a given paper. You still don't tie into other communities, but if someone has something to say about a particular paper it provides a straightforward mechanism (until the, what, 6 months at which point the submission is archived and can't be voted on or commented on any further). You only need a couple moderators and some strict rules (automoderator rule to only allow submissions from the arxiv-sanity user, etc).
If you want links to code repositories for each of the papers, there is already a project It also has a comments section. Maybe both the maintainers can work together to get both the projects integrated. I actually subscribe to GitXiv mailing lists as well since they send list of top articles under particular categories.
Thanks! The option to contribute additional links would be a great feature.
As to discussions about papers there are plans (semi-related to arxiv-sanity) in motion to do that well and correctly, not just from me alone. I think we'll see a big delta here over the coming months.
What about a Gitter-equivalent for each paper with logs. That's one way I envision paper's and conversational threads get related. Each paper would be a different channel. Maybe there are topic channels too.
A problem: I think one of the most necessary things that are missing from is comments. People just come, read, and then take their discussions somewhere else, fragmented all around the net. Arxiv-Sanity already filters just the ML articles and does personalized feeds, maybe it could also be a place of discussion. I know it potentially leads to other complications (like moderation), but I really think readers would benefit from reviews, questions and answers.
The current ML related discussion sites (blogs, /r/machinelearning, G+, Twitter, StackExchange and YC) are often mixed with lots of noise. I'd like to read what researchers think.
Another suggestion: add links to code repositories, where they are available. Maybe some of your trusted users could be empowered with the right to add such links, if it's too much work for a single person. If interesting discussions are reported on other pages on the internet, they could also be added to the article, to make them easier to find.