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> Yes, because now the ability to control that program lies with the UE. That's how it works.

Look, just because someone has the ability and legal foundation to do something doesn't mean they aren't a complete douche if they do it. If I was the hackernews admin and would delete all your posts because I disagree with you, that would be a douche thing to do but I would have every right to do it. Similarly, I don't claim the EU does something that is forbidden, but everyone should unite and stand up to manipulative bullying strategies like that.

You sound exactly like the state-level Republican politicians in Louisiana blaming everything bad on the federal government. As a result, a slim majority of Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for the slow Katrina response.

A seemingly vast majority of Democrats blamed George Bush for the dotcom crash while simultaneously giving Bill Clinton credit for the boom. People don't make a lot of sense when you start scratching their political beliefs.

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