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> their foreign affairs are relatively easy to keep in order and they have just gained leverage on the local stage.

Just about this part: nothing has actually changed relatively significantly at all, yet. Article 50 has not even been triggered. The UK first has to notify the EU of intent to leave, then they have to actually leave, then the effects will slowly start trickling in (whatever they are), and in the mean time so many confounding factors will be mixed in that we will probably never find out what came whence.

> It seems we have a shit ton of echo chambers in this country.

Is that anything new? Humans everywhere always. And?

I answered this point in another comment but to be more direct - they are happy that the negative effects will be minimal and have made moves to negate them via open conversations to their partners. These aren't huge businesses, they have <100 employees each and they know all their foreign partners personally.

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