Fair enough, I saw it as an attack on no-frills developer-oriented content in favor of some notion of beauty. Mailman pages, like most GNU HTML, are simple and excellent. They're accessible, resize predictably, readable, and they fill the window. They're light and download quickly. They have high information density. It's sort of baffling how narrowing the content, reducing contrast and increasing line height are an improvement over browser defaults. And if you want pages to look like that by default, you can put bestmotherfuckingwebsite.com's CSS in your browser's default stylesheet.
So your criticism seemed out of touch and (can't believe I'm quoting pg) "middlebrow."
Sure I have, and every time I'm annoyed by the archive site layout.
> You must've taken a wrong turn getting here.
No need to get personal, take a step back cool down and don't take things so serious.
> Of course bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com uses #444 on white.
Yeah it's also a bit too bright for my taste, but the general point still holds.