I actually dislike the zero-click data. I think it's impressive from a technical standpoint, but ultimately it just gets in the way of my searches. When I'm searching, I already have a general idea of what I'm searching for, so the zero-click info isn't very useful, and also leaves less room on the page for search results.
To give a concrete example: I was following a discussion online about a show called Archer, and someone said it was basically Frisky Dingo except not as good. So when I do a search on DDG for Frisky Dingo, the zero-click results didn't do me any good. I already figured it was a cartoon show on Adult Swim, I wasn't interested in "American animated television series distributed by Madman Entertainment Category" or "More related topics", I wanted something more relevant. I have to wonder how often people click on any of the links in the zero-click box.
Edit: you called it a "decision engine", which is both accurate and why I don't like DDG as much as Google. I want a search engine that reads my mind. When I do a search for "django", I want the framework, I don't want films/musicians/etc. Google reads my mind and DDG doesn't.
Thanks for the feedback. I think it's very hit or miss for people. A lot of people really like the 0-click. Our results are different too, so it would be good to give people like you the option to get to them quicker. I'll explore a setting to turn off the 0-click.
I was just thinking about my "django" search results, and I thought about why the Django framework ranked so highly. The type of people that write about Django and link to sites covering Django, they could be the same sort of people who know SEO better than the site operator for a tribute page to a jazz musician. So that might not have been the best example.
That's exactly right. However, I should take into account the popularity of the different ones and put the most popular on top. This happens in a lot of cases, but not in this one, though doing so is on the list.
To give a concrete example: I was following a discussion online about a show called Archer, and someone said it was basically Frisky Dingo except not as good. So when I do a search on DDG for Frisky Dingo, the zero-click results didn't do me any good. I already figured it was a cartoon show on Adult Swim, I wasn't interested in "American animated television series distributed by Madman Entertainment Category" or "More related topics", I wanted something more relevant. I have to wonder how often people click on any of the links in the zero-click box.
Edit: you called it a "decision engine", which is both accurate and why I don't like DDG as much as Google. I want a search engine that reads my mind. When I do a search for "django", I want the framework, I don't want films/musicians/etc. Google reads my mind and DDG doesn't.