Just curious: why is the search engine called Duck Duck Go? Any reasons to the name?
Update: found on Wikipedia - Some reporters have called the Duck Duck Go name silly or inappropriate for a search engine. When questioned about the name, founder Gabriel Weinberg has explained, "really it just popped in my head one day and I just liked it. It is certainly influenced/derived from Duck Duck Goose, but other than that there is no relation, e.g. a metaphor." The company's FAQ says something similar
Duck Duck Go is a game we played in elementary school. It has to do with a bunch of kids sitting in a big circle, and one kid chasing another around it. I can delve more into the rules if you want ...
I don't know how this relates to the search engine though.
Speaking of names, I own doqdoq.com (read as: dokdok - it's the sound you make when you type in your keyboard) and I am open to ideas. Email me if interested. You have to admit, it "sounds" like DuckduckGo but easier to type. It would also make a really cool logo with the "d" and the "q" together.
Update: found on Wikipedia - Some reporters have called the Duck Duck Go name silly or inappropriate for a search engine. When questioned about the name, founder Gabriel Weinberg has explained, "really it just popped in my head one day and I just liked it. It is certainly influenced/derived from Duck Duck Goose, but other than that there is no relation, e.g. a metaphor." The company's FAQ says something similar