You assume the breach happened over SSH. This is valuable information to securing SSH, but it's entirely possible the original breach happened over some other service, and there were some other steps involved in the breach before the SSH screenshot was taken.
True but I'm working from the angle that If the breach happened via some other means then they'd need some way to remotely execute code to enable SSH, create valid login credentials, and disable the firewall; in which case they already have a more convenient shell access so gaining access to SSH becomes redundant.
However it's possible that the attacker's screenshot was of a remote shell initiated via some other means and the OP assumed it was via SSH.
Edit: why was this downvoted? If there's an error then I need to be educated. I've spent enough years of my professional life hardening servers to have some idea what I'm talking about, but I'd be an idiot if I didn't listen to the expertise of others. So please correct me rather than downvote me :)
Best not to ask why downvoted. Those people's responses will rarely teach you anything. The kind that would will usually reply instead of downvote. Plus, a few already explained to me it's common for a post to get hit with a few negative votes followed by corrective action as other, open-minded people show up. Happens all the time with mine.