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He's probably referring to the current maximum transaction rate due to 1MB block size limit. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Maximum_transaction_rate

Yep this is what I'm referring to. And an 8 MB block size still won't resolve the problem.

It's really tiring to see bitcoin promoted as some sort of second-coming-of-Christ when all evidence points to it being nothing more than an interesting experiment.

If current transaction rate is enough for practical purpose of actually using Bitcoin for commercial transactions (I do use it, and it works), then everything's fine as of now.

When it won't be enough, Lightning network will be adapted, as there will be a need for it. Premature scaling is the root of all evil. :)

Those will be addressed with Lighting Network [0]. ATM there are ~4 implementations of the concept. None is complete/mature yet.

[0] - http://lightning.network/

And they're all vaporware as far as I'm concerned until they're actually widely adopted and actually work as advertised.

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