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Personal attacks are not allowed on Hacker News. We ban accounts that do this, so please don't do it again. Instead, please (re)-read the site guidelines and post civilly and substantively, or not at all:



We detached this comment from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12154150 and marked it off-topic.

I doubt you'll notice this but blacklisting new users like me -- so that my comments are always shown at the bottom of a thread and never publicly -- has the opposite effect of what you're intending. It pushes good people away.

Good people won't keep creating new hackernews accounts to figure out which combination of HN activity won't blacklist them. They'll leave. Possibly taking HN's users with them when they create the next HN.

We don't do that in general. Your comments were getting caught by a software filter—there are a few of those that apply to new accounts, mostly because of past abuse by trolls. I've marked your account legit so this won't happen to it again.


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