I've often reached a point in fixing some object, or some code, or whatever, when I'm certain I can't do it. I'm ready to just shut it down.
But I have no choice - I have to make it work. So I keep plugging away.
And so far I've managed almost every time - despite being certain I couldn't. Now I'm smarter and no longer so certain :)
But if I got a bonus for failing - well. In each case I could easily, and convincingly, and truthfully! demonstrate it couldn't be done.
I've often reached a point in fixing some object, or some code, or whatever, when I'm certain I can't do it. I'm ready to just shut it down.
But I have no choice - I have to make it work. So I keep plugging away.
And so far I've managed almost every time - despite being certain I couldn't. Now I'm smarter and no longer so certain :)
But if I got a bonus for failing - well. In each case I could easily, and convincingly, and truthfully! demonstrate it couldn't be done.