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Show HN: Modserver – HTTP application server supporting 11 languages (github.com/ers35)
8 points by ers35 on July 24, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Here is a list of the 11 supported languages: C, C++, CGI, D, Go, Haskell, Lua, Nim, Python, Ruby, and Rust.

> [...] supported languages: [...] CGI, [...]

Does it support TCP language?

Although you're kidding, there was an embedded server that reduced CPU/memory use by working almost exclusively in TCP. It evdn pre-encoded HTML pages as TCP packets that ig transmitted.

Nice to see Nim in the list!

“Supporting language X” isn't the same as “can be called from language X if you manually use the FFI”. At the very least, the bindings should come out of the box.

Bindings are included: https://github.com/ers35/modserver/tree/master/src/api

The Python module does not require one to use an FFI: https://github.com/ers35/modserver/blob/master/src/example/p...

More idiomatic wrappers can be written later, but the FFI based bindings have to come first.

I updated the readme to make this more clear.

> FFI bindings have to come first.

Of course. But FFI bindings alone don't count as “support”.

> More idiomatic wrappers can be written later

Then “support for <language X>” is “planned” or “work in progress”.

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