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Expectation: - "Hey, look, this can SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS"

Reality: - "Hey, look, this actually BRINGS IN A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER PROBLEMS too!"


Would you mind explaining which new problems this creates?

WebPack for one. Using webpack brings in way more problems than it solves.

Again you've suggested the introduction of problems without mentioning a single one. I'm not saying you're wrong (because I don't know what you're saying yet), but I don't think you're adding much to the discussion here.

Sure, if you use it directly. The biggest complaint about webpack is it’s hard to configure.

We configure it for you. You don’t need to think about it.

What other problems does webpack bring in your opinion? File an issue and let us know: https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues...

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