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Under the hood this is Webpack + Babel + ESLint with sane initial configuration. Love it.

This is all I ever want in a React boilerplate, but everyone feels the need to throw a bunch of random shit into them that others probably do not even want. Glad they kept it sane and simple.

In all fairness, I think that flags that provide some basic bootstrapping for Redux and/or React-Router would be very spiffy - those tools are useful for many React applications.

I think Redux and React-Router are very opinionated and distract people new to React from React itself.

My workflow for ramping someone up on React and eventually Redux looked like:

- A single React component with React.createClass

- ES6 class React components

- Add a component hierarchy and treat the top level component's state as the entire app state - pass down callbacks to update state. Look how this becomes harder to scale as we get more depth in our component hierarchy!

- Redux without the redux-react bindings. Also stateless function components.

I agree. That's why I would put them behind flags. Even though most of my own projects wind up using them, I tend to start from a clean slate and apply things only as they become relevant.

As someone not new to React, I'm seeing this tool as a solid replacement to the old JSX Transformer script they used to provide. Let me get up and running just a bit more quickly.

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