Don't watch the new Person of Interest tv show then, it's a lot like CSI but they name-drop technical jargon in only semi-relevant context, which makes it even worse for some reason.
I think that's rather over-criticizing it. Person of Interest may not be able to match Mr. Robot in technical realism, but it is set in a fantastical universe with a fully functional AI. I wish they were as committed to realistic hacking as Mr. Robot, but it cannot be said that they didn't try. Its hacks were explained enough for a layman, and shown enough for a technical person.
And its story was good, too. I'd recommend it to people just for that.
But that's what makes it worse than CSI, because it's so heavily grounded in technology that suspense of disbelief is disrupted when technical terms are misused.
Person of Interest has some of the most realistic uses of tech on TV. It could match Mr. Robot... the only reason it doesn't is... it's a scifi show.
Yes, you have to make believe some things about bandwidth and just how smart one person can be. But classifying POI, an incredibly high quality and well researched show, as "worse than Cyber" is doing nothing but hurting the cause you claim to support. And the reason I'm pissed off about that is that I support it too.
Sorry that science fiction show is not a documentary about the NSA. May I recommend Citizenfour instead?