- Apple has good (the best) marketing -> many units sold
- Motorola/Verizon starts huge ad campaign -> many units sold
- Google had _no_ marketing -> few units sold
Google did _nothing_ except putting a website up with one page, no tv ads or alike, the nexus one only appeared in a few selected blogs and tech sites 99% of consumers don't even read.
To me it's proof how people are controlled more by marketing and advertising then everything else and in effect controlled by media overall which is kind of scary.
All in all, google will only look how android spreads around the world and not on a single device.
besides: 60000 android units are shipped per day, nowadays, thats what is important for google.
I would LOVE it if they could stop showing Nexus One ads to people (like me) that already have them. It must be possible to read my Google account cookie and see that I bought an N1.
If you consider that every Nexus One ad I see is space that could be used to display other, more relevant ads to me and the ~200k N1 owners, I'd say that it is worth a few hours of an engineer's time.
Also sales channels--the Nexus One isn't available in the real world. Most people don't want to plunk cash down for a device the have never used. The Droid and iPhone are in thousands of retail stores around the country.
The only problem I see is Google advertises with a "we do all this stuff" approach, where Apple uses the "here are some things you want to do.." which makes people want it far more.
Ok, i am not in the US, so i can only comment on what i can see "from here" ;)
But to me it looks like hulu.com is a webservice average joe user doesn't use anyway.
What counts is tv ads, posters, magazine ads and the likes.
What i have seen is, that Verizon/Motorola did a lot of advertising (super bowl ad, etc.). Now, google does hulu ads. thats a whole different level.
I don't think not buying a product they've never heard of automatically makes a person "controlled by marketing". Making someone aware of something they might like is different to controlling what they buy.
I do think the amount of marketing and advertising in our lives is a bit scary, but I don't think this is an example of why.
To me it's proof how people are controlled more by marketing and advertising then everything else and in effect controlled by media overall which is kind of scary.
All in all, google will only look how android spreads around the world and not on a single device.
besides: 60000 android units are shipped per day, nowadays, thats what is important for google.