Once as a kid I attempted to make an "electro-magnet."
It made perfect sense to take my huge speaker magnet, trim an AC cord, then tape each exposed wire to a side of the speaker magnet. Before plugging my awesome whatever-the-hell-I-was-trying-to-make in, for added coolness I placed a large ball bearing on the side of the magnet to see if it would spin around.
I plugged it in and BOOM.
I learned a lot that day. None of my later mishaps involved loud noises or explosions. A lot of melting, though.
Ah, the joys of childhood. I once bought a string of battery-powered Christmas lights, cut off the battery connector, and attached it to 120 volts of AC wall outlet. Boom, indeed.
It made perfect sense to take my huge speaker magnet, trim an AC cord, then tape each exposed wire to a side of the speaker magnet. Before plugging my awesome whatever-the-hell-I-was-trying-to-make in, for added coolness I placed a large ball bearing on the side of the magnet to see if it would spin around.
I plugged it in and BOOM.
I learned a lot that day. None of my later mishaps involved loud noises or explosions. A lot of melting, though.