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The Microwave Mortuary (microwaves101.com)
16 points by chaosmachine on March 21, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Once as a kid I attempted to make an "electro-magnet."

It made perfect sense to take my huge speaker magnet, trim an AC cord, then tape each exposed wire to a side of the speaker magnet. Before plugging my awesome whatever-the-hell-I-was-trying-to-make in, for added coolness I placed a large ball bearing on the side of the magnet to see if it would spin around.

I plugged it in and BOOM.

I learned a lot that day. None of my later mishaps involved loud noises or explosions. A lot of melting, though.

Ah, the joys of childhood. I once bought a string of battery-powered Christmas lights, cut off the battery connector, and attached it to 120 volts of AC wall outlet. Boom, indeed.

Tried the same thing around 10 using wire I wrapped around a toilet paper roll. Fortunately it just tripped the breaker.

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