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> ...I can't agree with your overall point that using PAM = problem solved.

I don't think we have the same problem definition. I'm saying that it solves the problem of authentication implementation details - where the just-enough-to-be-dangerous types screw up (salting, keyspace, the keeping current on crypto part). LDAP can certainly be leveraged for defense in depth, authorization vs authentication, but that is much less off-the-shelf. This also provides some separation between the authentication server and braindead PHP scripts that barf the results of ";select * from users;".

> Also, given that the P is for pluggable, what's the backend?

Kerberos is the obvious choice for authentication, LDAP integration for authorization if you're needing a fine granularity. You'd really have to go out of your way to end up with a PAM that dumps right into a DB with a poor crypto policy - I've never seen it. You could use /etc/passwd - but you're right, you wouldn't want to... the option is nice though.

I don't disagree that a company that makes money primarily on identity management could do it better, if you assign a low value to the information that is necessarily leaked. But let me just point out the context in which we are having this conversation: LinkedIn offered such a service, as does Facebook - both have suffered breaches. While that isn't how they made their money, plenty of people used the service - following the letter of your advice, if not the spirit of it.

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