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That video is legendary even in the guitar community.

I must have watched it a billion times by myself.

>a billion times

Can't be! The youtube video "only" has 92 million views.

> Can't be! The youtube video "only" has 92 million views.

Hey, you never know. It says 92 million, but YouTube view counts were int32 until 2014. http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/12/gangnam-style-overfl... Was Gangnam Style really the first to hit kint32max? ;-)

Why wasn't it an unsigned int?

Not all languages have unsigned ints (java for example doesn't).

Yes, it was a big deal when it hit a billion views and when it "rolled over" the counter.

I remember Blaine getting blamed for that one too.

Or he used somehting like youtube-dl.

So it counts as 1 view, and he watched the downloaded file a billion times. ;)

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