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On Snappy and Flatpak (happyassassin.net)
33 points by qubit23 on June 17, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

As a Debian developer I was greatly surprised when I read on Ars Technica that Debian had chosen to support snaps.

  > The press release was issued, I think, sort of as if it
  > came from some sort of independent or cross-vendor project,
  > and there’s the snapcraft.io site to back up that impression,
  > but every Snappy committer is a Canonical employee
That's a pretty old trick. Google pulled exactly the same with Open Handset Alliance few years ago.

I cannot even google this Flatpack thing.

Author suggestion to use conferences and "cross-distribution and cross-project collaboration" would end with empty chatter as his blog post.

Canonical get shit done. Its fulfil a dream were you could make Linux apps without thinking about distribution.

> I cannot even google this Flatpack thing.

"flatpak", without the 'c'. Also formerly known as "xdg-app".

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