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this description of linear scan kNN may be a bit tedious for the hacker news crowd. here's the gist (in python):

  def knn(y,X,k):
     d = len(y)
     least = [(float('inf'),[float('inf')]*d) for i in xrange(k)]
     for x in X:
        d = 0.0 
        for i in xrange(len(x)):
        if d < least[k-1][0]:
           least[k-1] = (d,x)
     return least

Sorting even for linear isn't the best idea but keeps the algorithm terse. A data structure like a priority queue should probably be used instead of an array.

and one should use a kd tree or ball tree for exact, and LSH-knn for inexact in practice.

You can use `heapq` from the standard library to at least go from `n k log k` to `n log k`.

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