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I agree with your point and disagree with redux-form being a valid solution. redux-form creates a very restricted and crippled API for getting form data into a redux state object and does so at the expense of the spirit of React's componentized model. Any redux-form state needs to be isolated under a special root object specifically for forms. You can't just mount some existing part of your state object into a form because of this. Not to mention redux-form properties have a whole bunch of other "glue" properties in addition to the actual value of the form.

I question whether people use it in large scale production. This is one of the huge downfalls of redux. It makes some things easier, but it makes the most fundamental stuff (editing form fields) extremely contrived. This is the main reason I don't see react+redux as a true answer to the challenges of SPA development but a very rough, intermediate step which needs to be re-thought while putting into consideration the most common use cases.

> I question whether people use it in large scale production.

We tried to, and removed it within 4 weeks of development with it, for all of the reasons you mentioned. It conceptually doesn't map to our Redux model, and new developers struggled with it because of that. I ended up writing my own "wrapper" to do something similar, but to be honest for most of our form state it is handled within the components themselves (via this.state and friends) and only sent to Redux once validated. React's built-in state handling is still useful, specifically for these sorts of things.

What are the pros/cons of setstate vs a batched state subtree for each component and an aggregate state subtree for each component that matched each form parent, specified by a string to a higher order component for the parent form and a string for each component used to model html5 form inputs?

Ah... you lost me on that statement. Can you give me an example of what you're picturing?

I'd be interested in seeing what you put together. Is that available somewhere?

Not yet, but it will be!

https://github.com/studionone/ is where it will live, plan is to release it this week, all things going well.

Cool. I'll keep an eye out for it!

Also tried redux form and while the creator is very talented it was just more trouble than it was worth for our team. There's a real opportunity to create a sound abstraction to forms with react and redux right now. I've investigated this heavily and no existing approach works how I'd like.

What I want is a higher order component for a given form parent specified by a string, with higher order components for all common html5 form types which are stored in a state tree child node based on a string for the form parent and each component which encapsulates form elements, and rolls up small change events to avoid event log spam.

I originally thought a json or other dsl solution would be ideal, but that ends up being an integration and interoperability headache. Jsx as a dsl works better than json as a dsl for ui in my experience. The big question is where to store the "batched" changes before being rolled up.

I think rather than component setstate, perhaps a sub tree in the redux store with its own subtrees could exist with a specific prefix that could be hidden in the redux devtools chrome extension to avoid the spam problem. I rather like this solution, as it would make react and redux forms beat the simplicity of angular 1 forms with all the benefits react and redux bring. Would other people use it? Anything like it exist already? Maybe I'll create this...

You should take a look at https://github.com/davidkpiano/react-redux-form - solves many of your problems listed (batches actions when possible to prevent log spam), and V1.0 will be even simpler/more performant.

I did after reading your comment. Sweet approach and some quite clever algorithms in the implementation. Nice work! I'll have to play with it. If it's not quite the api I need maybe I'll open an issue to discuss a potential pull request. Thanks :-)

I've used it in a couple of form-heavy production projects and found it to be good, I find the API pretty easy to work with and it handles things like async validation pretty nicely (I use it in combination with yup for validating the form object: https://github.com/jquense/yup). I can honestly say it has almost made working with forms enjoyable ;)

A definite high point of my time with it was when a requirement came along to allow users to resume signup - because all the form state was in the Redux store already, it was simply a case of serializing that and putting it in localStorage (or wherever), then reloading it as the initialState.

There are performance issues to be aware of if your form gets too large, caused by the "top down re-render" effect of having the top level ReduxForm HOC connected to the form state and therefore re-rendering on every keystroke - often these can be solved by splitting the form into sub-components with appropriate shouldComponentUpdate etc., but this isn't a perfect solution - see https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/issues/123 for a lot of discussion. The new v6 API aims to solve this, by removing the need for a single top level component: https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/tree/v6

I've been intending to write up my experiences and how I've been working with it, but decided to hold off until the v6 API stabilised, so that I wasn't giving outdated advice. Happy to answer any questions in the meantime!

FWIW redux-form v6 changes this: https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/releases

I've been using redux-form in large production app, btw, and have mostly found it nice, but am looking forward to migrating to the new version.

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