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Sounds like a Monero pump to me

This is an utterly stupid comment. If you read an article that slammed MongoDB's eventual consistency and encouraged people to use mysql instead would you call it a "mysql pump?

This is also not the first time someone has smacked down ZCash for being ill-conceived and dangerous: https://blog.okturtles.com/2016/03/the-zcash-catch/

Your comments in this thread are unfortunately breaking the HN guidelines, by calling names and generally being uncivil. Please don't present your argument that way. It poisons the atmosphere and makes your argument less credible. Instead, please refresh your memory about what HN is looking for by reading the following, and then post civilly and substantively (or not at all) in the future.



That's fair enough, but consider that SakiWatanabe's comment is equally uncivil and insulting to an open-source project and the contributors that have built it. Why is that allowed, but when I call that person out I get SJW safe-space thrown at me? Don't you think that is hypocritical as a moderation strategy?

I didn't notice that comment. It's bad because it's a shallow dismissal, but yours were worse because you called names and conducted yourself flamewar-style, and you did it repeatedly in the thread.

I don't think it's hypocritical, for a couple reasons: (1) it's impossible for us to read all the comments, and (2) one bad comment doesn't justify another.

HN is not a good place to "call that person out"—that just causes threads to degenerate nastily. On HN, an appropriate way to respond to such a comment might be to remind the commenter that unsubstantive dismissals aren't helpful, and then point out some relevant good things about the article.

Fair enough, I retract my name-calling.

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