A text/blob field with a normalized key column or two were always vastly superior. We're talking about data loss at an incredible level. I mean, a new Jepsen test comes out and this community goes bonkers over how database X might suffer a split-brain problem for a few milliseconds under an extreme condition but Mongo on a single instance has never been safe, and people are making excuses for it.
> I’ve hesitated to recommend RethinkDB in the past because prior to 2.1, an operator had to intervene to handle network or node failures. However, 2.1’s automatic failover converges reasonably quickly, and its claimed safety invariants appear to hold under partitions. I’m comfortable recommending it for users seeking a schema-less document store where inter-document consistency isn’t required. Users might also consider MongoDB, which recently introduced options for stronger read consistency similar to Rethink–the two also offer similar availability properties and data models.