Really interesting article. Sunyata makes me think of string theory for some reason.
To give another perspective on 'we are not matter', we can view ourselves as a configuration of atoms.
And if you zoom in more, those atoms (carbon, hydrogen etc.) are just different configurations of electrons, protons and neutrons.
At the end of the day, string theory zooms in even more and says that those particles are made of just one thing - a 'string'. And the different particles are manifestations of strings vibrating w/ different energies and patterns (like how a musical instrument makes different notes w/ different vibrations).
That idea paints the universe as as one grand orchestra. Each string not really different from the next (fungibility) and somewhat interdependent. In short, Sunyata.
And if you zoom in more, those atoms (carbon, hydrogen etc.) are just different configurations of electrons, protons and neutrons.
At the end of the day, string theory zooms in even more and says that those particles are made of just one thing - a 'string'. And the different particles are manifestations of strings vibrating w/ different energies and patterns (like how a musical instrument makes different notes w/ different vibrations).
That idea paints the universe as as one grand orchestra. Each string not really different from the next (fungibility) and somewhat interdependent. In short, Sunyata.