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Clustering also isn't a supervised learning technique. Even though you might say DNNs can be unsupervised (autoencoders), it generally is not the case in practical systems. So it's not a good comparison at all.

I don't care about the supervised/unsupervised distinction. I'm saying they can learn features automatically (with or without supervision.)

Well, feature learning is unsupervised by necessity, otherwise you're not learning features, you're learning a mapping between features and labels.

Deep nets used in the way you say are first trained unsupervised to extract features, then the features are used in supervised learning, to learn a mapping from those new features to labels.

You can also do this "by hand" using unsupervised learning techniques like clustering, Principal Component Analysis etc: you make your own features then, and train a classifier afterwards, on the features you extracted in that way.

Deep nets just sort of automate the process.

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