Maybe dhimes uses adblock and literally had no idea that there were ads on FB. I have been using ABP for about a year and never see ads on FB. I literally had no idea that 70% of the real estate is filled with ads either until you said something about it.
I don't understand this comment. Backing out of your apology? Perhaps you should have a gander at how long I've been here before you become HN cop.
Perhaps I misunderstand this comment. I use adblock on Facebook. I don't see all of the ads in your imgur pic. I seriously had no idea it was so advertisement-laden.
One thing I did learn early is to never "like" anything sponsored. You will be associated with it in your friends' news feeds until you die. Actually, it may not end there.
I and another poster are discussing the UX experience which differs between browser with ad-blocker and other versions.
Thy kind of sarcasm is not really meant for HN. Do you have an opinion of substance?