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Actually, it's a wash. If all we had was static linking, people would statically link the same common libraries. So you'd have to update multiple binaries for a single vulnerability.

I've seen this in my day job at Pivotal. The buildpacks team in NYC manages both the "rootfs"[0] of Cloud Foundry containers, as well as the buildpacks that run on them.

When a vulnerability in OpenSSL drops, they have to do two things. First, they release a new rootfs with the patched OpenSSL dynamic library. At this point the Ruby, Python, PHP, Staticfile, Binary and Golang buildpacks will be up to date.

Then they have to build and release a new NodeJS buildpack, because NodeJS statically links to OpenSSL.

Buildpacks can be updated independently of the underlying platform. The practical upshot is that anyone who keeps the NodeJS buildpack installed has a higher administrative burden than someone who uses the other buildpacks. The odds that the rootfs update and NodeJS buldpack are updated out of sync is higher, so security is weakened.

Dynamic linking is A Good Thing For Security.

[0] https://github.com/cloudfoundry/stacks

[1] https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack

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