Been using async/await like sweetjs macro "task" in production for around 1.5yrs ( This code would read -
task getUsersWithFriends() {
users <- getUsers();
catch (e) {
return trySomethingElse(users);
// Everything below is protected by the catch above.
withFriends <- filterUsersWithFriends(users);
return withFriends;
.. with errors propagating to nodejs style callbacks automatically. No need for overheads like "promisifyAll" either. cspjs turns the task into a state machine. Better semantics for catch and finally where you can retry operation from within catch clause (ex: exponential backoff).
disclosure: author of cspjs. couldn't help shameless plug since this was being touted as the "future" in the original post!
disclosure: author of cspjs. couldn't help shameless plug since this was being touted as the "future" in the original post!