> Simultaneously, Observable continues to make progress within TC39 to become a first-class construct of the language.
Worth pointing out that the TC discussed observables with the cancellation you describe here and rejected them less than a week ago. Observables did not progress to stage 2. Currently we are bikeshedding design at the es-observable and es-cancel-token repos (under zenparsing) - contributions are welcome.
Hopefully, a compromise everyone is happy about will be reached soon.
You also might want to mention async-iterators which are a stage 2 proposal.
Worth pointing out that the TC discussed observables with the cancellation you describe here and rejected them less than a week ago. Observables did not progress to stage 2. Currently we are bikeshedding design at the es-observable and es-cancel-token repos (under zenparsing) - contributions are welcome.
Hopefully, a compromise everyone is happy about will be reached soon.
You also might want to mention async-iterators which are a stage 2 proposal.