not sure about "not getting a lot in return", there have been plenty of times where I have had to hand build something with strange defaults or additional commands, then six months later I am downloading the new version of the source and having the history of what I did back then is a lifesaver. Not to mention the times you remember you edited something somewhere and partially remember where/when but not exactly so you can just fuzzy search vim dirname and filter.
It does depend on what one does on their computer, obviously, but in my opinion for developers having a more or less permanent history with a fuzzy matcher (fzf is what I use) is extremely important.
I personally have bash set up so it saves a new history file each month, and a custom fzf alias to search on all of them, and I wouldn't want to have it any other way, I also treat these history files as confidential and make sure they are not in git etc. and if I have to input any passwords on the command line I just prepend the command with a space so it's not saved
It does depend on what one does on their computer, obviously, but in my opinion for developers having a more or less permanent history with a fuzzy matcher (fzf is what I use) is extremely important.
I personally have bash set up so it saves a new history file each month, and a custom fzf alias to search on all of them, and I wouldn't want to have it any other way, I also treat these history files as confidential and make sure they are not in git etc. and if I have to input any passwords on the command line I just prepend the command with a space so it's not saved