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> Which typed languages have you tried?

You still don't seem to understand this this is completely irrelevant to the point I am making. You don't have to be able to build an engine with my magic engine technology to be able to measure the speed of the car and see whether it goes as fast as I claim.

However, since you asked so nicely:

- Our algorithms class at university was taught with statically typed FPs. Mostly Hope, some Miranda IIRC. (We were the last generation of students to be spared the institute's own Opal). Haskell didn't exist yet.

- I also took the advanced FP courses.

- And am a great fan of FP. Backus's FP, to disambiguate

- It became quickly clear that FPs were no panacea, they just had different problems than other languages

- We also quickly surmised that this whole FP thing was a religious cult and that you were required to take all the claims that were made on faith

- Also used Pascal and Modula

- Did a major system in Java, probably one of my best pieces of work to that date[1]

- Also remember that Objective-C acquired static typing during my time with it (before that it was all "id"). I was hugely confident (kind of like you now) beforehand that this would be a major boost to my programs' correctness and my productivity, and I was very surprised when that turned out not to be the case

But again, all this is largely irrelevant to the point I am making.

> I speak from my experience and from what others have told me.

Really?! Not only do you ignore the evidence there is, you also, of course, have absolutely none yourself. And with that nothing, you make claims that anyone who disagrees with your personal opinion (backed by anecdote) is a complete idiot.

Well, at least I don't have to revise my 1989 opinion (based on the evidence at the time) that this is a cult. Boy is it ever a cult.

[1] http://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-4614-9299-3_1...

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