I think I was told about it with some secrecy in mind, actually. My manager there felt really bad about the situation and wanted to clear it up before any fallout happened, i think.
I'm not sure how your manager felt saying sorry was enough given that him leaving a meeting early had a direct negative impact on your salary and bonus.
I wasn't so mad at him as mad as I was other things, really. I left within three months of that, I think. That was just one problem of maybe 50. Even with that shitty experience, it was still worth it with career in mind.
I was supporting both of BAML's FX systems, including doing Sunday market open by myself for a couple hours. It was my first "serious" job and at the time I didn't know what common job practices were, including proper pay. As soon as I found out I could make more elsewhere, I left.. with a 40k pay increase.
Considering the number and size of trades going through the platform, it's incredibly insulting that they thought my pay was industry acceptable. Hell, a year after I quit (the rest of the team was gone at this point), they wanted me to offer me a job in NYC, making me less than my job as php programmer (without knowing php) in Chicago.
Yep, I'm in Chicago. I did second shift support for merrill lynch's FX system mostly, but dabbled in BoA's, too. Your name doesn't sound familiar, though!
edit: looked you up on twitter - your picture doesn't look familiar, either. Sorry! :)
I was over in Rates & Currencies on the BAML side, in 540 W Madison. (I know they have gotten rid of that building, and I live in New York now, but... I enjoy nostalgia!)
Yep, same building. Not that many folks from Chicago on this forum, so definitely a small world! :)
I worked closely with Alberto V. and Gary M. who you might've worked more closely with. Made some decent friends with some of the rates batch guys, so if you're feeling sufficiently stalkerish, talk to them. :)
In hindsight, I actually do recognize you from your pictures. Almost entirely through passing, but I'm certain we've at least been in the same elevator together. :p