Except for Finance and maybe Tumblr, aren't all these services fading ?
* Yahoo Answers
Quora ( 100M users [1] ) and Stack Exchange is now the default question & answer sites.
* Yahoo News and Yahoo Sports
Google news and search ( 44% of Google searchers scan the news results [2] ) already provide these features. I used to use Yahoo Live Scores, but now I use Google.
* Yahoo mail
Gmail ( 1B users [3] and grew 100 Million users just last year )
* Flickr
Google Photos ( 100M users in 5 months [4] )
It seems like Google Finance is losing [5] as they see it as part of search but it appears there is a need for a good separate product here. Tumblr looks to be a runaway success ( 227 million registered accounts, more than double the number of accounts a year prior and more than 37 million unique visitors [6]), no match for Wordpress yet ( WordPress.com records 126M unique visitors per month [7] ), but the social aspects looks to work in Tumblr's favor.
> Google news and search ( 44% of Google searchers scan the news results [2] ) already provide these features. I used to use Yahoo Live Scores, but now I use Google.
Yahoo Sports is a lot more than just sports news and scores. The traffic is heavily driven by fantasy sports, which Google doesn't have.