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Spores seem like an interesting solution. The language designer in me has a distaste for it, though :p

For case 1 (capture of mutable references), an explicit copy operator might be better (as in, "I want whatever value this variable is bound to, rather than the storage location") (or even vice versa, where value is the default and there's an operator for location). In a way, spores accomplish this by forcing you to do the copy manually -- but then programmers have to always remember to use the extra syntax, and they need to do it for every captured variable. I'm not quite happy with even this solution, and it may be possible to come up with something even better. Concurrency is always a can o' worms :)

For case 2 (capture of implicit "this"), I'd argue that if (a) the compiler is smart enough to know that "helper" is implicitly "this.helper" and (b) that "this" will be captured by the closure, then (c) the compiler is also smart enough to create an implicit binding for "helper" and capture that instead. This would lead to less-surprising behavior, and intentional capture of "this" could still be done via explicit access. Another option is to, rather than treating "this" as being in an enclosing scope, treat it as though it were an implicit argument to the method (albeit a covariant one). This avoids capture altogether.

Agree on the copy operator, not only for spores, have wanted it more than one time in other languages too.

Not sure how the this binding should work though. If calling a method you need to a) dispatch on the runtime type and b) provide the instance to the method when called.

The compiler would essentially emit the same code that it would in the case of the spore, but it would be automatic. You still get to dispatch on the runtime type, because the binding is created after the method invocation, but before the scope of the lambda to be closed.

I think when a programmer writes "foo.combobulate()", the vast majority of the time, the intend to capture "foo". If they didn't and were being clever, I don't think it's unreasonable for the compiler to expect them to be explicit and write "this.foo.combobulate()" instead. In the former case, the compiler creates the implicit binding to capture, in the latter it does nothing implicit and just closes over "this".

I'm certain that the compiler has enough information to do this, and that it's in accordance with the principle of least surprise ;)

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