Thank you - this is very exciting. Bitbucket uses a per-user pricing and it has been extremely useful for us. People forget how useful it has been to not worry about the number of scratch repositories we can create as we experiment.
Our main repo is a single monolithic repo. But do you not ask your consultants/outside resources to work on a company repo ? how do you price that I wonder.
I am not sure why people would like stuff to be priced per repo. It is a fairly unintuitive model for me and is a huge problem when you need to go an explain to the finance team that you need to spend more because you "created more repos"... say wut? Spending per user is a very clean way of pricing.
I am not sure why people would like stuff to be priced per repo. It is a fairly unintuitive model for me and is a huge problem when you need to go an explain to the finance team that you need to spend more because you "created more repos"... say wut? Spending per user is a very clean way of pricing.