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Show HN: Canal – Policy based networking for cloud native applications (github.com/tigera)
38 points by knoxa2511 on May 9, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Anything else to share or we upvote logos to front page now?

In the linked GitHub page, I see links to Calico, Flannel and Kubernetes. Projects that deserve front page by themselves, but why does Canal show here now if apparently there's nothing to share?

I am very interested on everything that smells of networking and especially SDN, so please, bring some information :)

Canal is just Calico with different lipstick for now. Just a new company so a new name with features planned for the future.

The big news here is at CoreOS Fest Berlin they announced that Calico and Flannel were combining projects to create Canal. The Canal project will be managed by a company called Tigera https://www.tigera.io/

Sorry, still probably early on the github page for Canal (Tigera). I'll see if I can find the slides online from the presentation today.

Not the best video, but here's Andy (the CEO of Tigera) talking about Canal. http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/datacenter/coreos-...

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