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Because you grow crops on the roof, weave cotton in the basement, and build for furniture on another for? Roads are used for more than moving people around, they also move good around,which almost everyone partakes.

>Because you grow crops on the roof, weave cotton in the basement, and build for furniture on another for?

There's this thing that lets you present those expenses to consumers - it's called pricing.

You have to pay more for road maintenance - you raise prices to cover it - I now see the actual cost of your product instead of it being subsidized by my tax money regardless of using them.

A vanishingly small proportion of suburbanites farms, weaves or works in furniture factories. Indeed I wouldn't be amazed if more apartment-dwellers are engaged in those activities than McMansionites.

People growing food and making goods should embedded the cost of those roads in the prices of their products.

What percent of highway traffic is delivery trucks? The trucks need 1 or 2 lanes, not 8.

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