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Operation Spark (https://operationspark.org) | Full-Time | Onsite (New Orleans, La, US)

Position: Instructor

Operation Spark a non-profit code school on a mission to help people get great jobs in software development. Through immersive programming bootcamps, we train people who lack well-paying job skills to enter into the high wage, high demand tech industry.

The Instructor works closely with a classroom of students across the length of the program, and is charged with both with the students' educational outcomes as well as the strength of the classroom community. When a student gets a job after the program, the instructor is the person they thank with the deepest emotion.


* Facilitate Lecture Q&A Sessions

* Individual instruction and tutoring

* Facilitate mock interviews

* Grading of self-assessments

* Review student progress across several indicators


* Deeply passionate about our mission

* Expert-level software engineer, especially in JavaScript

* Ability to model student progress and remove educational roadblocks

* Empathy and charisma

* Experience with Backbone, Angular, and/or Node

Job perks

* Competitive salary

* Great benefits

* Awesome, open-office location in downtown New Orleans


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