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Loved it. As someone approaching 40, it was a mind bender that resonated.

Would you mind maybe saying what exactly that you loved ; perhaps in normal language.

The mild nihilism and the feeling that you're coming up to an age when the world is no longer all that interested in you.

That's not to sound dark and gloomy - quite the opposite - and I think that's what many of the younger crowd are missing here.

If you're over 40 and you want the world to pay attention, you need to offer some greater truth to the under 40s crowd.

I think the core idea that's resonating is that around 40 you're slowly starting to drift up out of the fray, and having previously been an the center of the universe, that's an interesting feeling.

I liked the idea of life being broken up into chunks.

That 40 is a real delineator, which is what it feels like to me (though ask me in five years, and I may feel different).

That the focus of the elders is to provide places/ways for the young to find meaning.

That you can really screw up your life by trying to be/act like a phase different than your age.

Nothing truly relevatory, but just a nice, quirky way of delivering these concepts.

Hope this helps.

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