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I don't know if you did everything yourself during those two weeks but if you did can we get a more detailed breakdown:

1. Time spent on graphics

2. Time spent on level design/creation

3. Time spent play testing

4. Time spent programming

5. Time spent on sound and music

I worked with an artist on the game. He also did most level design.

How do you gauge things like this? I mean, does coding the interpreter or items in the game count as level creation? What about prototype levels? We each made at least 5 testing levels to see how they worked and started that about 5 days ago.

Play testing with other people only occurred sporadically for the last few days of development. Getting feedback from sites like Hacker News is a kind of play testing. I'm still tweaking.

Programming is the big one of course. Unfortunately I can't really say how long I spent on it as it intermingles with things like level design and graphics. The levels themselves have a lot of custom code - I wasn't about to make a real level editor for such a short game. And, this being flixel, I wasn't using the Flash IDE to create this. It's mostly code, so I guess almost all the time not drawing, level editing, or making sounds was spent coding.

I got a buddy to make the music, but I made the sounds as they were needed using a synth :) I might have spent 2 hours tops.

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