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We have long time established custom, that if you want to communicate with somebody via chat, you send him a 'ping' first, and wait if he responds.

On my list of pet peeves, this one is near the top. Nothing annoys me more than getting a chat message as follows: "Hey..." Because it's apparently not enough to bother me with a DM, one must first make sure that the "ping" is a complete waste of electrons, apparently. Once my train of thought is completely broken, then and only then are conditions right so as to allow the individual to fully absorb the weight of what you are about to type.

Here's an idea: how about typing WTF it is that you want, and if I respond you'll know I'm online. Typing "got a minute?" w/o any context is a sure-fired way to get me to ignore you.

With that screed out of the way, I am open to arguments on the value of sending a "ping" first. Better make it convincing. :-)

Was thinking about it, and I don't think I have arguments that would convince you :P But if we happened to work together and you were ignoring my pings long enough but was responsive to i.e. well written detailed emails, I think I would adjust.

But for me, ping signifies "I think I need to talk to you, but the details are kinda sketchy, so get back to me at your confinience.".

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