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I dig it, but a tiling WM is a fundamentally different paradigm than the standard WMs. I haven't used one, so I had to look up screenshots. If you're writing ad copy - which this fundamentally is - you need to consider these things.

Pretty much the only GUI that's StumpWM and not an application is a mode-line, notifications and help.

My setup looks like this currently:


and here is my mode-line config:


Anyway, StumpWM is great, but not because it's a tiling WM. It's absolutely fantastic because it's a live environment: you can attach a Lisp shell to your running stumpwm instance and immediately get a full-blown programming and debugging environment. See here: http://malisper.me/2015/07/07/debugging-lisp-part-1-recompil... (and subsequent posts in the series) for a good introduction to what it really means to work inside a live environment.

The problem with this is that it's very, very hard (if not impossible) to show the dynamic, live environment with still images/screenshots. I think it would be good to record a screencast showing a bit of programming and debugging in StumpWM. I wanted to do this a few times in the past, but by the time I remembered I should start recording I already fixed whatever I wanted to fix...

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