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I know we're supposed to be focused on the end-result, but I'm really just in awe of the code. Everything is so incredibly well documented, tested, and structured. I already see a few things I want to borrow... will definitely be coming back to this project for ideas.

This guy started committing for this project back in November of this year [1]. This was a true labor of love if I ever saw one.

[1]: https://github.com/donnemartin/haxor-news/commits/master?pag...

>back in November of this year

Teach me your ways.

Darn that one slipped. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about the time machine.

Why labor of love?

I second this. I recently made a simple command line tool for my coworkers using several of the same libraries used here, but this is so much cleaner and better organized than what I threw together. Definitely will be reviewing this codebase for inspiration when I get a chance to refactor.

Came here to say this. The README.md alone is one of the most amazing piece of documentation I've ever been given to read. Kudos for this!

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